Emacs Tox Integration

I am a heavy user of tox. Every new project has one and it is not only because I can keep my dependencies and tools configuration in one place but also because I have a nice integration with Emacs. I press f4 and select the test environment to use. (global-set-key [f4] 'sp/tox/activate-current-project-tox-env) Powerful combo of tox, projectile, and helm. (defun sp/tox/find-tox-dirs-in-project (project-root-dir) (defun -find-toxenv-bin-dirs (root) (projectile-files-via-ext-command root (format "find %s -type d -name 'bin' -path '*/.


I decided to move from a single org file to hugo and have “normal” design of the blog. The trick with adding github repo as a submodule (master branch) keeps the repo clean. Hugo website has a great documentation. Theme Edited in Emacs + emacs-easy-hugo


My practices document all in one document - one markdown (org) document for everything don’t worry about the size of it. Extract only the topics that have a critical size. What is critical is for you to determine but mostly you'll feel it by structure not amount of text. If structure is super extensive that is the time. the structure develops organically Suggested software Typora (no mobile support, no good tables support like OneNote has) has a great performance it’s easy to insert media in it has good support of lists has outline view supports mermaid diagrams Joplin has end-to-end encyprtion supports many platforms Bear (only Apple OS)